So I came across these images of an AP News story about what a news anchor’s fashion line-up. Most likely it was taken with a smart phone camera, but I doubt her head is as big as it is.
Before the advent of the dual-lens cameras on cell phones (one wide-angle, one telephoto - means zoomed in) and now Apple’s three lens set up (hubba-hubba!), most cell phone cameras have just a wide-angle lens. When you use that wide-angle lens up close, or tilted down or up, you will get lens distortions that can really warp a face and body. So, to avoid that while using a wide angle lens, back up some and lower your phone so its not pointing down toward your subject, but more on level with your chest pointing at your subject. Next, stretch the image of your screen to zoom in (not really zooming in, but I will share that another time) so your model fills more of the frame. Or, if you have a dual lens, use the telephoto lens (you will have to step back for this) and lower your camera phone a little and take your shot. Following these tips will prevent image distortion like on the images below.
#iphonecamera #smartphonecamera #cameratips #imagedistortion #photography #portraits #danaatteberyphotography