Your favorite person is graduating and you want to take an amazing outdoor portrait. Should you take the photo in sunlight or shade?
Two quick things to understand about sunlight and shade: sunlight is a direct light source and acts like a spotlight which creates deep shadows and bright highlights, while shade creates an even soft light source with minimal shadows.
Here’s the deal! One is not better than the other … it’s just how you use them!
If using direct sunlight, one idea that is easy is to turn the person you are photographing around so that the sun’s light is coming from behind them (i.e. Backlighting). Now their face is in the shade with even lighting and the sun becomes a hair light.
Backlighting - Marketing Photography for Azusa Pacific University - Dana Attebery Photography
If photographing in shade, like under a tree or an archway of a building, then you will have even light on your subject with no bright and dark areas on your subject’s face.
But … here’s a vital factor to know when taking photos in the shade. … not all shade is the same! Stay tuned. There’s more on this subject coming soon.
So how about you? Do you need a graduation photo, an updated headshot or family/office portrait? Call or email me to set up a portrait session today!
Dana Attebery Photography - serving you through portraits, headshots, product photography, commercial and editorial photography, 360-virtual tours, fine art images, and 1-on-1 lessons. 626-374-3638
All images copyrighted by Dana Attebery Photography - 2021